Self Development Reviews

Monday, November 19

Using Hypnosis And Your Subconscious To Eliminate Stress

Most of us enjoy getting regular massages. Massage does for our body what Hypnosis does for our mind.

When I go, I get a relaxation massage and other times a deep tissue massage.

A few years ago I was getting more deep tissue than relaxation and thought it a bit odd. I was in for a relaxation massage and she kept reverting to beating the shit out of me each time.

There were times when I would swear I was in a boxing ring. From my neck all the way into my legs were lumps and bumps that were squished, squeezed, poked and pushed. Truthfully speaking, at the time the only thing I remember being so freaking painful was childbirth.

To some conservative massage therapists you may think this is unnecessary or quite frankly inhumane. And let me elaborate, I am NOT exaggerating!

I left with more pain than I went in with. In fact on numerous occasions I had bruising the next day!

The woman giving me a massage was a friend of mine, and top in her field. She taught me more about my body than I ever learned in my years so far.

As I lay near dead on her table, it occurred to me all the stressors I have allowed in to create this much havoc on my body. A small portion related to physical activity but the rest was all created in my mind.

I was going through some difficulties and allowed my mind to overtake. I internalized everything, was angry and wouldn't let it go.

And this is what I endured to get rid of what I, alone, had created.

Stress is often overlooked as normal and some stress is. Stress is created based on our thoughts about things. Like anything else we can choose our thoughts about the things in our life or we can allow them to overcome us and create disastrous side effects.

While I was laying on, what felt by now like a slab for a corpse, the table, I got real serious about this. Here I am, working hard, giving my all, all in the name of helping others, and myself and I in fact was causing more damage.

In one hand comes my paycheck in the other it goes to someone to knock the self abuse out. Isn't that was stress is? Self abuse? Think about it. My thoughts created all this misery inside my body. I was becoming low functioning because of all the tension and tightness. Then, I go out and do it all over again.

Why would anyone in their right mind do this? Why, when we can choose to see things in any light we want, make our thoughts so incredibly vile and hateful?

Think about this the next time you have these thoughts about yourself or of anything else. It ties your body up in knots and you WILL pay for it.

With negative thoughts, you bring about what you think about. Not only was I in incredible pain, my life on the outside was showing no signs of calm either.

This is the point I asked myself "Is it worth it"?

If you are finding 'changing' your thinking habits too difficult this is where hypnosis comes in. In a very short time, by accessing your subconscious mind, that mind that drives your behaviours, you will not only be able to change your thinking but all the negative things that your thinking has created.

It's worth it in the long run.

Suzanne Jones is a certified Hypnotherapist. She has a blog at With the understanding everyone has different reasons for doing things, hypnosis will allow for change specific to that reason. This in course, saves time, money and heartache along the way. You can and will feel like yourself again once you eliminate self defeating behavior.

She writes in her blog, topics everyone can relate to, and personally experienced. Visit for great tips, better understanding, and products that will assist you in your journey to becoming whole again. Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

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