Self Development Reviews

Monday, December 31

Going Beyond The Materialistic and Atheistic Mindset of The Modern Civilization

The materialistic mindset of the current civilization is based on productivity. We are always trying to find ways to save time and make money. This is why today we have shared everything in an organized way and everyone is a specialist in a certain topic.

Scientists are always objective and materialistic. Each one is a specialist in a specific topic. Theologians are only religious. They have a true aversion for science. I could give you numerous similar examples. Each one knows something and nothing else besides their specific topic, and everyone insists on their points of view, while despising the points of view of others.

There is no agreement between scientists and theologians, or between scientists and artists. Each one lives in a different world. Each one of them makes their research based on what they know. Since they know only what is related to their specialty, they have a limited vision about the whole they belong to.

Everyone would better understand our reality and have better results if they would imitate the example of the ancient Greek philosophers, who were not only philosophers, but also mathematicians, artists, inventors, physicians, and athletes at the same time.

My work helps you understand that you must relate all disciplines and study everything at the same time if you want to have a true vision of your reality. By examining only a small fraction of the world (based on your point of view) you cannot understand anything. You must have a global vision of your reality in order to understand what is happening to you.

You will better understand your reality and the functioning of your brain and psyche by learning the dream language and translating the meaning of dreams, since God produces your dreams. The scientific method of dream interpretation links science to religion, religion to philosophy, and philosophy to art, giving explanations to all mysteries.

I found clear proof of God's existence and sanctity in the meaning of dreams. I also found proof of God's protection when I translated the symbolic meaning of a literary book I had written when I was a teen. I understood that the unconscious mind was showing me that there was craziness in my brain and psyche. I had to stop trying to impose my absurd ideas to the world.

I was an impatient and insensitive dictator who had to learn how to be sensitive and balanced. When I understood that the divine unconscious mind was trying to protect my sanity with this literary work, I understood that God was alive. God had helped me write my literary book based on dream symbols when I was an ignorant teen. I had no idea that there was a symbolic meaning behind my literary words.

God was alive, and He was sending me messages in dreams, in my literary works and in symbols of my daily reality. I learned how to translate the symbolic meaning of everything and have more information about my reality thanks to the symbolic dream language even without sleeping and dreaming.

I understood that religion is as important as science, philosophy, and art. The importance of our psychological transformation during our lives is greater than what we could possibly imagine with the knowledge we have in our historical time.

You have to understand the religious dimension of God's existence and pay special attention to the fact that you can understand God's words in your dreams, besides absorbing the scientific knowledge given by the unconscious mind.
God must be respected because He is a big hero. However, God is a beggar in our atheistic world. He begs our attention, but we are too busy. We don't care about His lessons.

God seems to be an inexistent ghost. Nobody respects His existence. Nobody is afraid of His judgment.

Nobody is afraid to go to hell after death. Nobody cares about what is bad. Nobody fights evilness on Earth.

God is a big hero considered to be inexistent by the atheistic population of the modern civilization.

However, God exists and He works very hard. He not only produces your dreams and everyone's dreams as well; God does infinite things in order to save humanity from craziness and terror and help us find peace, sound mental health, wisdom, love, and happiness.

The divine unconscious mind will show you the truth about yourself and about the human race. Even though you believe that you are an intelligent person and you trust your own judgment, the truth is that you cannot trust your own judgment because you have inherited absurdity and evilness into your anti-conscience, which occupies the biggest part of your brain and psyche.

You must eliminate your anti-conscience through consciousness, goodness, and wisdom.

You must relate science to religion, philosophy, art, and everything you can, because this way you will have a better vision of your reality and escape the logical traps of your anti-conscience.

Your dreams, your mental health, and your daily reality are closed connected.

Your dreams teach you how to deal with your reality, while solving your psychological problems with the knowledge you acquire. This is how your spirit is purified.

You have to abandon the materialistic and atheistic mindset of the modern civilization and have a different mindset. You must take into consideration every aspect of your reality, without examining only a small fraction of your complex reality based on your point of view.

Your most important recognition must be the recognition that you found God. Your faith in God must be real, so that you may really understand the lessons you have in dreams, and so that you may always have the right attitude before your savior.

You must trust your protector if you want to escape the logical traps of your anti-conscience, which is constantly trying to imprison your conscience into the labyrinth of craziness. Your anti-conscience is a sneaky demon. You must be very serious if you want to fight a demon and keep your sanity.

However, you have the tendency to be superficial and materialistic. You cannot stop being a slave of this tendency, not only because you have inherited absurdity into your anti-conscience, but because the world is materialistic. The world makes you believe that the material life is more important than anything else.

You are induced to love money as if money was a powerful god. You are induced to believe that sanctity is a useless stupidity.

The world makes you believe that you must be selfish and care only about having pleasures, without paying attention to anything else. You believe that only idiots decide to attain sanctity instead of enjoying their lives.

You don't have enough sensitivity to understand that those who decide to follow a path of spiritual purification understand that they are very far from wisdom. They can see the human misery because we are evil.

You have to abandon the blind conclusions of the atheistic and materialistic modern civilization and have a global vision of your reality.

You may dislike the idea to attain perfection, but the truth is that if you won't attain spiritual perfection your mental stability will always be in great danger. You will be punished for being indifferent to your mental health and for repeating costly mistakes, by having to face the bitter consequences of these mistakes. You shouldn't be indifferent to this matter.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness. Learn more at:

Visit to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!). Providing useful self development and improvement articles, hynotherapy and counselling writings and other mind help resources online.

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