If you're serious about taking some steps to put your body and spirit in better shape, you'll have too make some plans and goals. On the other hand, you have to keep up to what you write out, be honest to yourself. It really makes no purpose to waste time and energy into thinking about what you want to achieve, and then actually working it all out, and then not making it happen.
Some of you may have heard of them, but a lot of you haven't. It's SMART goals. Now, what do you mean - smart?
Well, it's smart, but actually it's S.M.A.R.T.
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Realistic
T - Timel-bound
Specific - it's about defining what you want to achieve by answering the five "W" questions:
Who - who is involved? Will you do it alone, or with accompaniment, will you have a friend going with you to work out, and support you if your will goes down at some moments? Will you have a personal trainer?
What - what is it that you want to achieve? Saying something too simple, as, get in the shape, won't let you have something to hold on as you'll be working. For example, weight yourself and define how many pounds you want to loose.
Where - your gym location? Are there any other important places for your body development?
When - time bound for your results to happen, also define time when you'll be available for devoting yourself towards achieving results.
Why - define your reasons. The stronger your reasons, the more motivation you'll have to work. Whenever you don't feel like doing it, just remind yourself of all the reasons you've started doing it. That will keep you going at rough times.
Measurable - find a way to measure progress towards the achievement of goals you define. If you want to build up your leg muscles, for example, and you define that you'll be achieving that by doing 60 leg presses a week, and if you go to gym 3 times a week, you'll need to do 20 on each training.
Attainable - far away goals might turn to simple attainable ones if you prethink the sacrifice and development of your abilities, skills, attitude and financially means to reach them. You'll surprise yourself finding things you might have already done to get closer to what you want to achieve.
Realistic - you must be willing and able to work in order to make your goals realistic. It isn't realistic to say that you'll loose 10 pounds without lifting a finger, let alone a weight. Think about what prevents you from dedication towards the goals you have in mind.
Time-bound - as already said, set up a time frame for everything you want to have under your control. Write out that date on a piece of paper you'll see every day, and that'll remind you to work and do whatever it takes to achieve desired goal by that date.
So, that's it. Your pens should be on paper right now, writing out everything you want to happen to you. It can get hard to verbalize and write out your goals to such details, but, the more you're clear with yourself about why you're doing something, the more possibility there is for that to actually be done.
If you want to learn more about goal setting, motivation, health, fitness and nutrition, feel free to visit From-Inside-Out.com Providing useful self development and improvement articles, hynotherapy and counselling writings and other mind help resources online.
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