Self Development Reviews

Friday, January 11

Who You Are and Bringing Your Gift

~A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep. Vernon Howard~


Just look at you! You are something else! You are just too much!

Haven't we all heard these words at some point in our lives? Well, hopefully we have.

What was happening at the time? Perhaps you were at a party and were having a great time laughing and talking and even dancing. Maybe you were being theatrical in our way of expressing ourselves, making faces and hand motions to carry our point across to others. Or you were in your art studio creating or in your sound booth singing!

How did that feel, being fully self expressed, not even having to think at all, but rather feeling ourselves pouring on every level? Some might call it the zone. Think of your art, your craft, the thing you love to do the most in life, what you are passionate about. Are you analyzing it, struggling with it, feeling pressed by it, uncomfortable with it, or is it simply a flow, an easy outpouring of ourselves? You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, when you are being fully you and in that zone.

You also know when you are not being you but seeking to please, aiming to be something you are not, someone you think others want you to be. In other words, scrunching all up into a box to be what you think others want you to fit into. This might mean dressing differently than you would, talking differently, putting on what and who you are not. Now feel how that feels. Not so good? I say!

Feel how it feels to be fully you, being in the zone of your real and authentic you! Fell how it feels to seek to be someone others might want you to be, or you think they want you to be. Which feels better?

Being fully you is the gift you bring. It is your life experience, your story, you victories and your failures, you joys and your sadness, your gains and your losses. Honoring every bit of who you are, in all your reality, allows you to deliver that gift. This is the heart of the matter. Fully honoring and integrating every part of you, embracing fully who you are, leaves nothing to hide, nothing to pretend, nothing that needs covering. You see you naked, real, in all your foibles and human bean-ness. Being the real you, allows the real you to be.

The parts you deny, cover, suppress, hide, dishonor, call for you to continue to be that which you are not. What you press down, presses YOU down. All you deny about you, denies the real you. What you cover, covers the real you. What you suppress, suppresses you. Embracing and loving every bit of who you are, even the parts that may not seem to be desirable qualities, is your true self. Bringing YOU into wholeness then allows you to express who you are, being fully you.

So ask yourself, "where am I incongruent with my true self and what parts of me can I honor and embrace?".

You cannot deliver something you are not. You cannot bring a message that is not fully you.

You will fail to deliver that fully, if it is not you. You will not be able to express your true self if all parts of you are not congruent or integrated together. It will show and others will see it is not you. Besides that, YOU will know because you will feel the struggle in every part of your body.

Why would you seek to be anything but you? Some change and alter who they are to please others and seek approval. Approval seeking is a lost cause and worthless pursuit. Why? Because it will never come to fruition. That's right. One who seeks approval from others will never be okay, never meet approval, never be accepted nor receive satisfaction. Approval seeking is a hungry monster that can never be satiated. Not only that but it hurts when the results are not achieved, which they never are.

Here are 9 reasons why you no longer care about people's approval:

1) A happy life can be lived without other's approval. Just because someone may not like us or what we do or say, it does not mean there is something wrong with us. You are a whole person, and complete and there is nothing outside of you that you need in order to feel whole.

2) You won't be liked by everybody. Not everyone will like you and some will continue to talk about you. They are simply someone who feels the need to talk about someone. Hey, it gives others a rest if they are talking about you!

3) It is a time waster. Why waste your time and energy on other people's opinions.

4) It drains you. It takes a lot of your energy to fuss and fume about other people's thoughts.

5)You are free and have the freedom to be YOU. When you let go of what they say or do, you have all the freedom to be fully you, coming into all you are and can be!

6) You run your life and they run theirs.This is the divine right of every one of us, The free choice to live how we live and let other's live as they do. When we fully free ourselves to live our lives, in the process we free other as well!

7) You can have peace inside.Having the inner peace of knowing you are whole and complete not needing others to tell you that you are, is immense! We all want peace and to be happy and as soon as you stop caring about what "they" think, you have found the source to peace and happiness.

8) You can never control what others think of you. Have fun trying. We all came from different worlds, different backgrounds, a different reality that is unique to each of us. This reality that was built from the time we were born, based on our thoughts, beliefs, experiences,all sourced from the way we were raised. I see black you see white, I see something as wrong and you may see it as right. I love green and you might hate green.

9) You are the only person that can give approval to YOU! When you get, inside yourself, who you are and all you bring, your real value and give approval to yourself, that is the only human approval you need! You are free!

Well, "what to do" you may ask? The answer is very simple, my friends. It is summed up in three words; "Just be YOU".

It is so easy to just be YOU. It is so difficult to be someone you are not. Being you, is all you truly know how to be. However, one must work hard to be someone and something else. To be thrown about by varying ideas, thoughts and opinions, to meet other people's approval is like seeking to set anchor in a hurricane. One will never know direction, be tossed about continually, and be in chaos all the time. Hurt, pain, fear, sadness, unworthiness are all feelings that come with seeking the approval of others.

The prize, the gift, the blessing, does not come from accolades from others. It is quite the opposite. The gems and treasures of life comes from being full you, being present to all that you are, bringing what you bring in delivering the gift of who you are in the world.

If you are not you, who will be? Who will bring your unique self out there and make a difference like only you can? No one. The world will have missed out. Why? Because you were too busy, working all hard to be someone else. Life has passed you by in the hurricane of life and you have no anchor in you.

To drive home this point, essentially you have died to who you are and the eulogy has been told. It is not too late however. You can rewrite it now. Stop living to please, but please live!Stop seeking others approval, be who you truly are, letting your light shine and bring your gift. Deliver to the world what only you have been blessed to deliver, your unique and fully expressed self.

So who are YOU and what gift do you bring?

Bette J Shaw, HHC is a certified Lifestyle and Health Coach. She works with individual clients and groups. The focus of her work is supporting women to look and feel younger, living healthier and happier lives through diet, thought pattern and lifestyle changes. She supports her clients not only in setting goals but having the resources to reach these goals. If you are interested in learning more about life coaching and how to take steps to greatly improve your life, please contact Bette.


Do you struggle with these kinds of feelings? D you wonder why you let other people's thoughts, feelings and ideas influence you to the point where you cannot feel fully you and continue to be a people pleaser, seeking approval from others?

I am a holistic health coach and I am here to support you in setting and reaching your goals of being fully you and living a truly self expressed life. Together we work, one on one and step by step, to shine the light on who you truly are. You are already whole and complete and I assist you in allowing your inner light to shine!

Are you ready to rise and shine?

Contact me today for a free consultation, to see how it feels to team up with me for your optimum health and happiness!

Providing useful self development and improvement articles, hynotherapy and counselling writings and other mind help resources online.

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