Self Development Reviews

Friday, January 4

Fibromyagia Stress and Anxiety

For the past few years scientists have made progress resolving the complexities of fibromyalgia. There is little doubt in their minds that fibromyalgia is initiated by some form of trauma. The trauma may be physical or it could be an emotional trauma that brings on long-lasting stress and anxiety.

Research has shown that some people have a genetic predisposition to fibromyalgia, but the symptoms usually don't raise their ugly heads until triggered by a physical or emotional trauma.

One widely accepted theory to the cause of fibromyalgia is that a trauma triggers one's "fight or flight" response. The purpose of the "fight or flight" activity is to help us function in times of urgent need for assistance, but it only lasts a little while and then goes away.

But, with fibromyalgia, the "fight or flight" response stays "on" and our bodies remain on alert with a watchful eye ready to meet danger or an emergency at any time. Staying in this state places more stress on our bodies. This results in our bodies not being able to sleep soundly, a restful, deep sleep, which in turn, aggravates more widespread pain in our bodies. It's a vicious circle!

Stress is destructive to our mind and bodies in so many ways. We must learn how to eliminate the stress and anxiety in our lives to help alleviate the pain and the damage physically and emotionally.

Here are a few activities that I have used to help alleviate the stress in my life:

Massage: A good massage is essential in relieving stress. it can alleviate pain, soothing painful muscles, boost immune systems, and lower blood pressure. It may take a few tries to find the right massage therapist to fit your special needs. I prefer a lighter healing touch. It took me a while to find someone who understood fibromyalgia and my special needs, but it was certainly worth it.

Journaling: It is very therapeutic to put your words and pain on paper, sometimes, that alone will ease some your stress. Keep track of how you feel each day, writing down what you eat and drink. Were you particularly stressed that day..what caused that stress? What was your routine that day? I find that keeping a routine everyday helps me maintain a better balance.

Prayer: Prayer is the simplest, most uncomplicated stress reliever there is. Just have a conversation with God and tell him how you feel. Pray for guidance, patience, understanding and thank him for your blessings. Always thank God your your blessings, even though you don't understand why you are suffering.

Humor: We all need a good laugh, especially laughing at ourselves. Yes, we are in pain, but we have to learn to accept the pain and all the changes happening in our bodies and in our lives, even though these changes weren't part of our overall plan. We shouldn't take ourselves too seriously. A good laugh will promote wellness.

There are other simple things that you can do to relieve your stress. Forgiveness is essential in healing the mind and body. Holding a grudge, holding on to anger, resentment or bitterness is of no value, it will only hurt you and cause more stress and anxiety in your life. Exercise, (maybe just going for a walk or a bike ride) yoga or meditation. Find out which of these techniques works best for you and try to fit it into your schedule daily. Take care of you.

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind" William James

"From my experience there are two types of fibromyalgia patients; those who want to get better and those who don't." Dr. DoGood

Stand tall with me and we can lick this together! Make up your mind right now, that you are going to work towards wellness and keep those roadblocks out of your way.

Always thank God for your blessings, even though you don't understand why you are suffering. Please visit my website at I have received wellness from the Reliv products that I have been taking for the past 5 years for all of my health issues. Please email me if you are ready to take action and find your way to wellness again.

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