When a person ages a lot of changes start to happen along with numerous health problems that also start to develop. One major change in people is that they tend to be forgetful and develop short term memory loss with things like phone numbers, receent occurrences, people's names and more.
Having a good memory is a good thing as it helps us usually face life and it's challenges as we are often required to make wise decisions. Thus having a good memory helps people to have a good quality life. There are a few simple and easy memory exercises that will help you to have a good memory and remember things easily.
Visualizing helps you to imagine and envision things. It is an easy way to remember things because it will help your mind to take note of things with the aid of images. It will require practice and to do it regularly in order for you to gain the benefit of remembering things easily.
Integration is another simple and easy way to enhance your memory. Integration or also known as association, is connecting things to images. Words that have similar sounds are easier for you to keep in mind. You can do it by connecting things like a person name, number, face or any situation to things that if you see you will easily associate it to something that will help you to remember it easily.
Repetition of things is also one effective exercise to enhance your capabilities in remembering things easily. It is one recommended technique for you in order to have a sharp memory about things that are easy to forget like phone numbers, names, and things that have maximum importance in your life like passwords. By repeating these things more often there will be a high possibility that it will be retained in your mind.
Mnemonics another technique to improve your memory. This is the use of acronyms, rhymes and tunes that will help you to keep things in your mind and to remember it quickly. This is usually being used in school activity to help students in sharpening their memory.
Games like chess, crossword puzzles and scrabble are a helpful source of memory exercises to enhance your memory. With these sources you will not only improve your memory but you will also learn new words that will be helpful for you to improve your mind.
Cutting up, combining and grouping is also one way to hone your memory and this applies if you are trying to remember confusing things and numbers. This activity can be done by categorizing things with regards to the most common among them.
These memory exercises will not be enough for you to sharpen your memory without proper nutrition and complete sleep. So it is important for you to eat nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables and foods that are rich with memory enhancer components like iron and vitamins. It is also necessary for people to have at least eight hours of sleep in order to keep their mind healthy and avoid problems like short term memory
Greg Reed is the owner of My Memory Improvement Tips. For More Great Information On How To Improve Your Memory Visit mymemoryimprovementtips.com. Providing useful self development and improvement articles, hynotherapy and counselling writings and other mind help resources online.
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